
Blog - Austin Eye

Why Summer Is a Great Time to Get LASIK

Are you tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses to see clearly yet continue to postpone having LASIK? If so, Austin Eye encourages you to schedule a LASIK eye consultation soon. LASIK is a quick and painless procedure that requires very little downtime, meaning you can achieve clearer vision and still enjoy the rest […]


Fireworks Safety Month

According to the latest statistics from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, fireworks were associated with an estimated 11,100 injuries requiring emergency room treatment in 2016 (2017 statistics have yet to be released). June 1 to July 4 is Fireworks Safety Month, a campaign designed to educate the public on the dangers of fireworks. In […]


What Is Causing Your Eye Pain?

Pain in or around the eye can have many causes, and while some may be obvious, others are not. In any case, eye pain should never be ignored. In this blog post, Austin Eye, a premier vision care practice, reveals common causes of eye pain and their solutions.



LASIK is the most commonly performed laser vision correction procedure today but there are still a lot of misconceptions and myths surrounding it that may prevent some people from seeking treatment. Austin Eye believes in educating our patients on the most up-to-date and accurate information to help them make the best decisions when it comes […]


What Are Eye Floaters?

Everyone experiences floaters at one point or another. Floaters are tiny spots, lines and specks that appear as dark shadows floating in the eye. They are perhaps most noticeable after staring at a plain white computer screen or on a sunny day. In most cases, floaters are completely harmless. But in some rare cases, floaters […]


How Often Should I Get an Eye Exam?

Although strong vision is essential for overall health, statistics show that many people, young and old, do not get their eyes checked regularly. At Austin Eye, a LASIK and cataract surgery practice in Austin, we are committed to helping our patients stay on top of their eye health by offering comprehensive eye care, including regular […]


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The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute, recently created at the Dell Medical School, is poised to become a leading-edge center for training future ophthalmologists and providing patients with the best medical and surgical eye care possible.

Contact Austin Eye Today

Austin Eye

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759

Phone: (512) 250-2020
Fax: (512) 250-2612

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Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - Noon
Saturday/Sunday Closed

Northwest Office

Westlake Office

Westlake Office

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