Are You Ready for LASIK? Questions to Ask Yourself

You’d love to ditch your glasses and contact lenses and benefit from LASIK. Maybe you are ready for LASIK right away, maybe you need to wait until specific issues are resolved, or perhaps you are not a LASIK candidate at all. The top eye specialists at Austin Eye discuss how to know whether you’re ready for LASIK.

Is Your Vision Stable?

If your vision has remained stable for at least two years, LASIK may be right for you. Stable vision means there have been no significant prescription changes. It doesn’t make sense to undergo a LASIK procedure when your vision continues to fluctuate.

Do You Have Any Chronic Eye Issues?

If you’re suffering from any chronic eye issues, you may not be ready for LASIK until those issues are resolved. For instance, people with chronic dry eyes are not good candidates for LASIK. Besides healing difficulties, dry eyes can increase the risk of infection after the procedure. LASIK can also exacerbate dry eyes.

Your doctor can discuss dry eye treatment and monitor your progress.

Do You Suffer Any Health Issues?

There are health issues that may prevent you from undergoing LASIK, at least temporarily. For example, LASIK is not suitable for pregnant women. Once the baby is born, wait until you are at least three months postpartum before undergoing LASIK. If you are nursing, wait until your baby is weaned. Hormone fluctuations during and immediately after pregnancy and breastfeeding may change vision. Some women delay LASIK until they have finished having children.

There are other health problems requiring caution. Patients with uncontrolled diabetes are not LASIK candidates. Once diabetes is under control, your LASIK suitability is reevaluated. The same holds true for various autoimmune disorders.

How Old Are You?

Minors cannot undergo LASIK. Once you turn 18, you are eligible for the surgery if you meet all other criteria. However, some surgeons will not perform LASIK on the youngest eligible patients because their visual prescription can fluctuate. Once patients are in their 20s, their eyes are less likely to change.

Can You Afford LASIK?

With LASIK, you must consider the bottom line. Since it is an elective procedure, LASIK is not usually covered by insurance. Financing options are available, so look into ways to pay for LASIK. Over time, you will save money by no longer having to buy eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Contact Us

If you would like more information about LASIK surgery and whether you are a candidate for the procedure, contact the dedicated eye care specialists at Austin Eye to schedule a consultation. You will know that you are ready for LASIK when the doctor gives you the go-ahead.